triangleMelody Place Music are happy to announce the debut of southern soul and blues singer Lisa Mills’, “Greenwood, Mississippi” taken from her debut album ‘The Triangle’, produced by the great Fred Mollin.

Originally recorded by Little Richard in the early 1970s in Muscle Shoals, Mills’ rendition of “Greenwood, Mississippi” is the first single from her forthcoming album ‘The Triangle’ and is a tribute to the sound and feel of the great southern soul music of the 60s and 70s. Mills recorded the track with some of Little Richard’s sidemen, at the legendary Muscle Shoals studios.

Her debut album ‘The Triangle’ is full of wonderous story-telling music, from the triangle formed by the towns of Memphis, Muscle Shoals and Jackson, Mississippi – all of which boast music history around every corner. As Mills traveled on her musical journey, she recorded songs that were originally recorded in each city and became one with the songs she recorded along the way. Mills brings her own interpretation to “Greenwood, Mississippi,” along with the rest of the songs on the album which is available for pre-order HERE.

“I’m so excited that ‘Greenwood, Mississippi,’ is finally out,” Mills says. “Recording this album was an incredible journey with my formidable producer, Fred Mollin. His concept and creativity resulted in the most heartfelt album I ever made in my career.”

“I wanted to make a traditional R&B/blues album that preserved the spirit of the original songs, while giving them a fresh new life and point of view,” said Mollin. “Backed by a wonderful group of legendary musicians, working in the most important musical southern cities and their most historic studios was such a great thrill. For me it was the trifecta.”

The Triangle is set to be released March 13, 2020 via Melody Place Music/BMG.

The full track list for The Triangle includes:

1. Greenwood, Mississippi
2. Tell Mama
3. Slip Away
4. I'd Rather Go Blind
5. That's What Love Will Make You Do
6. I'm In Love
7. Same Time Same Place
8. A Place Nobody Can Find
9. That's How Strong My Love Is
10. Someone Else Is Stepping In
11. I'll Always Love You
12. Traveling On
13. Members Only
14. Just Walking In The Rain

For more information on Lisa Mills please. visit:

Quelle: © 2020 Motion Agency

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