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The Instrument / Ten Horizons - Performance

Wednesday, 15. March 2017

20:00- Uhr

In Ten Horizons sound and movement collide in a mental journey through body, objects and space. Divided into four scenes, the piece navigates through improvised music and dance materials, underpinned by a structural coordination. A "work station" is situated in the centre of a room around which physical, vocal and sound-body interactions take place. Musician and dancer confront each other through physical encounters and precise improvisational choices.

The materials of the piece, feedback, kinetic sound, precise gestures, bordering on imperceptible - atmospheric fluctuations, to almost overwhelming surging sound / movement coalesce into a singular energetic landscape, as they are improvised and oriented between scored cues - beginnings, endings, transitions. Ten Horizons is a charged work of dance and music, with a maelstrom of visceral energy at its core.

visibility of eternal vantage points
while the body is an internal image of ourselves –
abandoned sites are mental events
trailing audible traces

duration: 45 minutes
choreography and dance: Maya M. Carroll
sound and performance: Roy Carroll
co-produced with ArtBlau Braunschweig
premiered at Kinitiras Studio, Athens, September 17, 2014
further performances: Studio C de la B, Ghent (2015), La Société des Curiosités, Paris (2015), Improvisation Xchange Festival Berlin (2015), Tmuna Festival, Tel-Aviv (2015)

The Instrument is a Berlin based performance collective, funded by Maya M. Carroll and Roy Carroll. Roy and Maya have been working together since 2006, creating projects with other artists from the fields of performance, music and visual arts. The Instrument was founded in Berlin in 2011 as a focal point for the production of their pieces. Since their first creation as the instrument, their diverse activities have encompassed choreographic work and stage productions, research collaborations, lectures / discussions and workshops. http://theinstrument.org/

Beginn 20:00 Uhr
Eintritt 10,- € /8,- € (ermäßigt)


Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim

Berliner Strasse 20
51063 KölnDeutschland

Der Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim e.V. ist ein als gemeinnützig anerkannter eingetragener Verein und anerkannter Träger der freien Jugendhilfe.