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RIVERSIDE – Announce “Towards The Blue Horizon” Tour 2017!

Sonntag, 28. Mai 2017
19:00- Uhr

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After recently announcing two special and by now completely sold out comeback tribute shows in the band’s hometown of Warsaw, Poland for February, Progressive Rock masters RIVERSIDE are delighted to announce a next European tour for April/May 2017.

The band checked in with the following comment:

2017 must be a better year. And we have to come back to life. But we won’t, unless we come back to the stage... so it is our great pleasure to inform you that Riverside will go back to playing live this year.

After two very special evenings in February, which, for obvious reasons, are going to be unique and one of a kind, we have planned two legs of a special „Towards the Blue Horizon Tour“. The first one will begin in April and May. The second one will start in the autumn and we’ll visit more European countries.

During „Towards the Blue Horizon Tour“ we will play in a new live line-up with a guest guitarist who will make our music sound the way it should, not only because he’s a great musician but, most of all, because he’s got the kind of modesty and humility about him which has always been very important to us on stage. Additionally, we’re going to present a lot of compositions which we have not played live before. Our concerts will also be filled with emotions we haven’t felt before. Together with you, we want to dive into this and make each composition sound more mighty than ever.

We’re becoming a different band, more mature, more serious, more experienced. Piotr is gone, but he will always be with us and we are still a live band. Which we’re going to prove soon during our „Towards the Blue Horizon Tour“. Remember, „This is not the end, this is not the time.”

Tickets an allen VVK.- Stellen oder online: www.eventim.de oder www.adticket.de




Die Kantine - Yard Club

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50735 Köln
Deutschland NRW
0221 - 167 916 0

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