


Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015
19:00-22:30 Uhr

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Captain Ivory is a five-piece indie rock band that combines soaring, high-energy vocals with dirty, blues-infused guitar licks, and a rhythm section that'll have you in the groove before you know it. Combine this all with soulful songwriting and delivery, and you get a genre-busting rock n' roll sound bound to make you reach for the volume dial.

The Motor City is a down and dirty place to be these days.  Captain Ivory’s music reflects this sentiment with a raw power that mirrors the crumbled rubble of a Detroit city street.  The same streets that laid the groundwork for some of Rock N’ Roll’s most acclaimed artists–Captain Ivory kept their ear to the pavement to blend sounds both new and old.  A sound of legends who’ve walked before, with a twist of new that is sure to get your feet tapping and hands clapping…

The band’s formation rose out of an unlikely meeting across the globe, in Rome, Italy, where lead guitarist Robbie Bolog, and keyboardist Steve Zwilling found themselves on the same backpacking trip, leading to an immediate connection over a mutual love for the blues, folk, and early rock n’ roll music of the late 60’s/early 70’s. Back stateside in Southeast Michigan, and fresh off of a spontaneous road trip from Nashville, Tennessee, Zwilling enlisted Bolog & college roommate Jayson Traver, who happened to be a world class vocalist and gifted guitarist, to join in an impromptu jam session that would result in the earliest formation of the Captain Ivory sound. Soon after, drummer Justin Leiter, a seasoned Detroit-area musician, added his eclectic combination of outlaw country and punk rock rhythm influences to the lineup. The bassist role in the group saw its share of rotation in the first year of gigging and recording, before settling on talented local groove-master, Brett Smith. Together the group of five make a formidable lineup, and produce a massive rock n’ roll sound with a wide array of influences. If Chris Cornell and Muddy Waters had a baby, and gave it to Jack White to raise, Captain Ivory would be it.

After a solid year of extensive writing, gigging, and refining their catalog of original music, the group hit their stride and enlisted Dave Feeny (Jack White, Loretta Lynn, Blanche, American Mars) & Tempermill Studios to record & produce their debut album. With an early 2014 release of the self-titled album on Gangplank Records, Captain Ivory forges ahead with a series of game changing moves in the works for the second half of 2014, including a full schedule of summer festivals, relocation to Nashville, Tennessee, and booking a six week European tour in early 2015. Already making major waves in an industry over-saturated with indie bands, Captain Ivory’s relentless work ethic, and painstaking attention to detail in everything they release makes them a serious contender for the next household name in rock n’ roll.


Vorverkauf: EUR 12,00 zzgl.Gebühren Abendkasse: EUR 15,00



Die Kantine - Yard Club

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